Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet Class 12 Physics

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Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet Class 12 Physics
Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet Class 12 Physics

Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Worksheet

1. Name the scientist who first predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves.

2. Name the Indian scientist who first produced the electromagnetic waves.

3. What is displacement current?

4. Write the SI unit of displacement current.

5. What modification was made by Maxwell in Ampere circuital law?            [Haryana 94]

6. Write an expression for the displacement current.

7.   Does the displacement current satisfy the property of continuity?

8.   The charging current for a capacitor is 0,25 A. What is the displacement current across its plates?

9.   Distinguish between conduction current and displacement current.

10. Name the laws associated with the following equations :

Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet Class 12 Physics

11. Can we apply Maxwell’s equations to different types of media, like dielectrics, conductors, plasmas, etc?

12. Are Maxwell’s equations true for arbitrary high and low values of E→, B→, q, I?

13. Write down Maxwell’s equations for a steady electric field.               [Haryana 93]

14. Write down Maxwell’s equations for a steady magnetic field.

15. Which of the four Maxwell’s equations shows that electric lines of force cannot form closed loops?

16. Which of the four Maxwell’s equations shows that magnetic lines of force cannot start from a point nor end at a point?

17. If magnetic monopolies existed, which of the four Maxwell’s equations be modified?

18. A capacitor has been charged by a dc source. What are the magnitudes of conduction and displacement currents, when it is fully charged?     [CBSE D 13]

19. A capacitor is connected to an a.c. source. Is the conduction current in connecting wires equal to the displacement current in the capacitor?

20. What are electromagnetic waves?

21. How is the speed of em-waves in a vacuum determined by the electric and magnetic fields?

22. Write the relation for the speed of electromagnetic waves in terms of tire amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields.                                 [CBSE OD 17]

23. Do electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum?                    [CBSE OD 17]

24. Can we produce a pure electric or magnetic wave in space?

25. Write the expression for the speed of electromagnetic waves in a medium of electrical permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ.

26. Name the basic source of electromagnetic waves.

27. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in a vacuum along the x-direction. What can you say about the directions of electric and magnetic field vectors?

28. What are the directions of electric and magnetic field vectors relative to each other and relative to the direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves?

29. What was the range of wavelengths of e.m. waves produced by Professor J.C. Bose?

30. What was the range of wavelengths of electromagnetic waves produced by Hertz?

Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet Class 12 Physics

31. Name the scientist who first set up the transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic waves.

32. What is the significance of the year 1887 in the history of radio communication?

33. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

34. Name the electromagnetic waves that have frequencies greater than those of ultraviolet light but less than those of gamma rays.                   [CBSE D 04C]

35. What is the approximate wavelength range for the visible spectrum?   [Haryana 99C]

36. Write the frequency limit of the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum in kHz.

37. Name the electromagnetic radiation which has the largest penetrating power.

38. Name the electromagnetic radiation to which the following wavelengths belong :

     (a) 10 2 m              (b) 1 Å.

39. What is the approximate wavelength of X -rays?                             [CBSE OD 90]

40. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum whose wavelength lies in the range of 1CT10 m. Give its one use.

41. Arrange the following in descending order of wavelength: X-rays, Radiowaves, Blue light, and Infrared light.

42. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength: microwaves, ultraviolet rays, and X-rays?                          [CBSE OD 10]

43. Arrange the following in the descending order of wavelengths: γ-rays, infrared rays, microwaves, yellow light, and radio waves.                         [CBSE D 13C]

44. Arrange the following e.m. radiations in the increasing order of frequency: X-rays, radiowaves, ultra-violet light, blue light, red light, and infrared light.

45. What is common between different types of e.m. radiations?

46. Give the wavelength range and frequency range of γ-rays.

47. What is the order of magnitude of the frequency of vibration of the longest and shortest waves in the electromagnetic spectrum?

48. Name the electromagnetic radiations used for viewing objects through haze and fog.

49. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is used in ‘greenhouses’ to keep plants warm.     [CBSE OD 95C]

50. What is the ‘greenhouse effect?    [CBSE F 94 C]

51. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is absorbed from sunlight by the ozone layer?               

52. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation.

53. What are microwaves?     [Haryan a 96]

54. Name the different layers of the earth’s atmosphere.

55. Which layer of the earth’s atmosphere is useful in long-distance radio transmission?

56. What is the cut-off frequency beyond which the ionosphere does not reflect electromagnetic radiations?

57. What is the range of wavelength of a television broadcast?              [CBSE F 95]

58. What type of waves are used in telecommunication?

59. What is the nature of the waves used in radar? What is their wavelength range?

60. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum of wavelength 102 m and mention its one application.

61. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum of wavelength 10-2m and mention its one application.

62. Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the following wavelengths belong :

(i) 1 mm (ii) 10-11 m.               [CBSE OD 08]

63. Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the following wavelengths belong :

(i) 10-1 m ; (ii) 10-12                  [CBSE OD 08]

64. From the following, identify the electromagnetic waves having the (i) Maximum, and (ii) Minimum frequency.

(i) Radiowaves                 (ii)   Gamma-rays

(iii) Visible light                (iv)  Microwaves

(u) Ultraviolet rays, and (vi) Infrared rays.

65. Name the characteristic of electromagnetic waves that: (i) increases; (ii) remains constant in the electromagnetic spectrum as one moves from radio wave region towards the ultraviolet region.

66. State which of the two ratios, α, and β, defined below, is greater than or less than unity :

67. The frequency values, Vj and v2, for two spectral lines of the e.m. spectrum, are found to be 5 × 102H Hz and 2,5 × 1011 Hz respectively. Find the ratio, λ1 / λ2 of their wavelengths.

68. The wavelength values, v1, and v2 of two spectral lines, of the e.m. spectrum, are 1800 nm and 0.12 nm respectively. Calculate the ratio v1 / v2 of their frequencies.               

69. The bombardment of a metal target, by high-energy electrons, can result in the production of e.m. waves. Name these waves.                         [CBSE D 08C ; F09]

70. Special devices, like the Klystron valve or the magnetron valve, are used for the production of electromagnetic waves. Name these waves and also write one of their applications.        

71. The frequency of oscillation of the electric field vector of a certain e.m. wave is 5 × 1014 Hz. What is the frequency of oscillation of the corresponding magnetic field vector and to which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does it belong?                                                [CBSE OD 08]

72. Write the following radiations in ascending order in respect of their frequencies; X-rays, microwaves, UV rays, and radiowaves.                                   [CBSE D 09]

73. Name the EM waves used for studying the crystal structure of solids. What is its frequency range?       [CBSE OD 09]

74. Name the electromagnetic waves which (i) maintain the earth’s warmth and (ii) are used in the treatment of cancer tumours.

75. To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does a wave of frequency (i) 5 x 1019 Hz (ii) 3 × 1013 Hz (iii) 5 x 1011 Hz belong?  

Electromagnetic Waves Worksheet Class 12 Physics